Full-stack development & UX design

• Web Applications • Integrations • APIs

In addition to this site, I have worked on numerous web sites for various clients. These are some of my preferred technologies:

  • LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  • Preferred Linux: Ubuntu Server, Mint, Fedora, Debian
  • MySQL; MariaDB; Microsoft SQL
  • Object Oriented PHP
  • Laravel and Yii Frameworks; CRUD
  • Figma (for wireframing)
  • HTML5; CSS3; JavaScript; jQuery
  • Bootstrap; TailwindCSS; FontAwesome; Iconify

My latest web projects include a web app I developed for my current employer. It is an intranet/CRM application that allows employees to collaborate on daily activites tied to customer projects, shipping/receiving and warehouse management, HR activities and contact relationship management.

During the start of the COVID-19 pandemic this app had proven itself by allowing remote access to information that would not have otherwise been accessible. This significantly facilitated users working from home. To make things more interesting, users could personalize the interface by sleecting various pre-made themes (created using CSS) to change the look and feel of the app. It is updated regularly with it's functionality and capabilities constantly improving as business needs evolve.

I also developed both intranet and web sites for my former employer, Dynamic Decisions, Inc. The public site was based on Yii Framework 2.0 connecting to both MySQL and MSSQL database backends. The company intranet site was a full-blown application with ties to all company databases including the accounting system. It was used as a migration tool for legacy systems, a very robust CRM and helped fill voids left over from limitations of other software.

Today, my framework of choice is Laravel. I find it to be much more flexible and easier to work with. Using this technology, I have developed a new, modern intranet and CRM application as well as a tracking and analytics platform used to track marketing promotion activity on the web. If you're interested, I would love to discuss these capabilities with you in more detail.


Here are a few of the web sites I have worked on. Click on the image thumbnail for more details.

Full stack development
Technologies: Laravel, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Responsive CSS
Password Vault
Password Vault
Full stack development
Technologies: HTML, Responsive CSS, Laravel, JavaScript, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL
Synergem Analytics
Synergem Analytics
Full stack development
Technologies: PHP, HTML, Responsive CSS, Laravel, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, MySQL, Google Maps API, Google Charts API
Dynamic Decisions, Inc.
Dynamic Decisions, Inc.
Full stack development
Technologies: HMTL, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, MSSQL, MySQL
Full stack development
Technologies: Wordpress, HTML, CSS
East TN Thai Therapy
East TN Thai Therapy
Web design
Technologies: HTML, Responsive CSS, Bootstrap
DDI Intranet
DDI Intranet
Full stack development
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, MSSQL, MySQL
Canciones de Ernesto Arman
Canciones de Ernesto Arman
Full web development
Technologies: HTML, Laravel, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, MySQL


• Proof-of-concept • Mock-ups • Pre-production

I've had the opportunity to create some great products! Through the implementation of various technologies, I've developed protoypes to exhibit proof-of-concept or to fulfill client project requirements and address specific needs. This page shows a few of these products.

Click on an image for more details:
Dust-free and sand-proof computer for US Military
Interactive Posters
Interactive posters combine various technologies and a great for trade shows

3 High-end multimedia audiophile-grade cineophile-quality computer systems

Movie Cards

An intreactive alternative to traditional DVD videos

Videography & Photo

• Videography • Photography • Editing • Disc Authoring/Mastering

Here are a few of my video projects and their DVD amaray covers. Video editing was performed using Apple Final Cut Pro. I have also authored HD content onto Blu-Ray discs and other media.

I also enjoy digital photography to capture special moments and memories, especially while traveling.
You can view some of my photos on this iCloud Photo Stream:

Open Photostream

Note: Due to the private nature of their content, I am not able to provide video footage.

Please click a thumbnail for a closer look.

Noelia's Sweet 16
Primera Comunión
La Boda Del Año
Angie & Sandy

Graphics Design & Photo Editing

• Photo Retouching • Raster & Vector Art • Technical Drawings • Logos • Social Media Posts • Product Ads

I find myself working with some kind of graphic or image on a regular basis. From cropping to superimposing to manipulating filters - I'm well rounded in image manipulation. The software I commonly use are Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign, Affinity Photo / Designer / Publisher. I have also used iDraw and Pixelmator. I prefer editing graphics using a Mac as I feel the displays are more vibrant and color-accurate. Most of the work I do is in RGB, but I have done some CMYK print work as well.

I have created numerous product mock-ups and have illustrated countless technical drawings throughout my career. Here are some examples of some of the social media posts and logo designs I've worked on. I also write copy for blog articles and image captions.

Social Media Posts
Logo Design


• Vinyl • Sublimation • Resin Crafts

I am currently working on developing my small crafting business called CreativeKeeps which offers personalized gifts and custom crafts.

This began back in 2021 when I purchased a Silhouette Cameo 4 vinyl cutter (similar to Cricut machines) and a heat press to explore the world of crafting. I began creating vinyl designs using permanent and removable vinyl and heat transfer vinyl (HTV) to create all types of signs, crafts and even decorate clothing (T-shirts, hats, etc.).

After a few decorating projects, I decided to get into the world of sublimation. I converted an Epson Eco Tank printer to use the special inks required to decorate using this method. The sublimation process is unique as it infuses ink into the material leaving a permanent finish that can never wash out.

I've also purchased various silicone molds and have made creations using expoy resin. Resin is great because it creates hard, glass-like finishes and can be used for various applications beyond mold casting. I find this proccess to be better for creating solid objects as opposed to using my UV-resin 3D printer which is better suited to producing parts or small detailed objects.

Next, I plan on exploring the world of laser engraving. I have not yet decided on the type of laser (CO2, diode, IR, etc.) that would best fit my needs. I feel there are various new possibilites for me with this tech and it is something I look forwad to.

Some of my work

Click on a thumbnail for more details.

Glow Tee
Resin dominoes
Glass etching
R2D2 mini trash can
Vectorized hoodie
Automotive lettering
Not stained glass horse
Decals and branding
Cinch backpacks